Episode 7: Interview with Vallensons’ Owner and Brewmaster Valle Kauniste

Episode 7 Show Notes:

We had a blast hanging out with Valle Kauniste last Thursday night at his new brewery in Pearland, Vallensons.  Ryan, Matty D, Ross, and Grayson were onhand to taste some great Vallensons beer including the Oatmeal Stout and a special Anniversary Strong Ale among others. Valle shared how his experiences in the US Air Force and travels abroad shaped his view of what beer should be, his plans for Vallensons and the role small breweries can play in creating a sense of community in their neighborhoods.

The Craft Lexicon Word of the Day: Crushable (and trust us, Valle served up some Crushable goodies during the show).

We reviewed the St. Arnold Tribute release festivities that took place last week as well as the B-52 Tart Frenchie release.

Finally, the mailbag brought some peculiar questions. Ross explains Drinking Gloves as a new fashion trend, butt chugging in outer space, is it possible?  AND MORE.




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